  Complaint book
  Yellow Pages
  For teachers
Here you can find different useful links.
P.S.:If you like to add some more links to the list below, please contact us:

http://www.gks.ru/wps/portal/english - The Federal State Statistics Service of Russia
Wikipedia - probably, the best internet encyclopedia.
Language:  [english] [russian]

"YESolo on the Keyboard" - intro to touch typing.

Quiet Internet Pager
"QIP - Quiet Internet Pager" - new multifunctional ICQ-program that already have been using by more and more users worldwide.
www.artlebedev.com - Visit Art. Lebedev Studio - studio of the most prestige russian web-designer.
www.cia.gov - CIA The World Factbook.

Web-master - Artur Akhmetov (Group 3.2)
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